Scott Ritter - The US has followed through the promise to shut down the natural gas pipe lines

EU Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell believes Tuesday’s damage to the Nord Stream pipelines was deliberate sabotage, and has warned it will be met with a “robust” response. Reports emerged on Tuesday of explosions from under the Baltic Sea with unusual leaks discovered on the Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipelines. Danish PM Mette Fredriksen said that authorities insist it was a deliberate act, but added that there was “no information indicating who could be behind it,” despite Polish MEP Radoslaw Sikorski insinuating on Twitter that the US was responsible. Moscow has suffered significant economic damage as a result of the alleged attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines. Russia’s security services have opened a criminal case suspecting “international terrorism” may be at play. Former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and former UN chief weapons inspector Scott Ritter appears at the RPI Houston conference with a blistering critique of the Biden Administration’s Ukraine policy.
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