How to play Fight Fire with Fire w/Tabs! - Metallica

Tabs Glossary: - Reading the tabs is with the strings from the bottom to the top. The low E (6th string) is the bottom string, and the high e (1st string) is the top one (you can also just check the notes at the left side If you prefer that). - *h* - This signifies a Hammer On. (Ex: 4h5 - you would need to hammer on from fret 4 to 5) - *p* - This signifies a Pull Off. (Ex: 5p0 - you would need to pull off from fret 5 to an open string) - If you see “h“ & “p“ in combination (like 0h2h3p2p0), you would need to pick only once (starting from the open string in this example), while playing all ...the other notes through Hammer Ons and Pull Offs. - */* - This signifies a Slide, both up and down. (Ex: 5/8 - Here you need to slide up from fret 5 to 8. If It was “8/5“, you would need to slide down from 8 to 5. If you see a note without a previous fret number, like “/12“, It means that you can slide up or down to the note from a fret of your choosing. If you
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