Le Roi Louis - French Crusader Song

This is a song in honor of the Crusader King Saint Louis IX of France, who partook in the 7th and 8th crusade, and died in the 8th crusade, in Tunisia. Louis was also a devout Catholic. He severely punished blasphemy, for which he set the punishment to mutilation of the tongue and lips. He also forbid gambling, interest-bearing loans and prostitution in France. He contributed a lot of money for the preservation of relics of Christ and he built the Sainte-Chapelle for them. He also expanded the scope of the Inquisition and ordered the burning of Talmuds and other Jewish books. He is the only c...anonized king of France, and there are consequently many places named after him. The song is sung by a choir of soldiers called Chœur de la Joyeuse Garde. Lyrics: Le Roy Louis a convoqué, Tous ses barons et chevaliers. Le Roy Louis a demandé, “Qui veut me suivre où que j’irai?“ Les plus ardents se sont dressés, Ont juré Foi, Fidél
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