Se fido rivedrò (Vivaldi) Ann Hallenberg

Se fido rivedrò from Medea e Giasone, RV by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Ann Hallenberg, mezzo-soprano Modo Antiquo Federico Maria Sardelli, conductor Se fido rivedrò l’oggetto del mio affetto, appena crederò al sommo mio piacer. La bella, bella fè che pura splende in me, no, no, non sa adorar senza temer. If I see the object of my love constant, once more, I shall scarcely believe in such supreme happiness. The fine and beautiful fidelity that shines within me, alas, cannot love without apprehension. According to the liner notes, this aria represents one of the only two remaining traces of a ‘Medea e Giasone’ composed (or perhaps simply sketched?) by Vivaldi around 1720. CD available from Naïve: Photos in the video:
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