[M-POP IN PUBLIC RUSSIA || ONE TAKE] DOLLA - BAD || Dance cover by NC-TwentyOne
#Dolla #sabronzo #angel #tabby #syasya #bad #dollabad #mpop #dance #cover #mpopdancecover #Mpopinpublic
Our public M-pop dance cover we filmed and we hope you enjoy it. Please support us! ✨
2:39-3:10 choreography by NC-TWENTY ONE
Sabronzo- Yoongi ( inst.@_lovecherrybomb)
SyaSya - Kipa ( inst. @kipaa_jk)
Angel - Tori ( inst. @_tori_novas_)
Tabby - Jinni ( inst. @_777_______________._)
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This video is only used for entertainment purposes. We do not own any of the music or choreography. All rights belong to their respective owners.