Unveiling the Truth: Origins of the Israel-Palestine War

Unveiling the Truth: Origins of the Israel-Palestine War. The conflict has roots that go back nearly a century. 1917, the Balfour Declaration pledged to establish a “national home“ for Jewish people in Palestine. In 1947, the United Nations adopted Resolution 181/ The first Arab-Israeli War began on May 14, 1948, when the Arab League intervened on behalf of Palestinian Arabs after the State of Israel was declared. The war began with attacks by Palestinian Arabs on Jewish cities, settlements, and armed forces. Fighting also escalated between Jewish armed groups and Palestinians. Which sought to divide the British Mandate of Palestine. The “Middle East “battle has been going on for years because of the “ United Nations“ decision to give Israel a homeland because they have always intrigued people visiting my social media platforms. Remember to share, like, and comment on this video if you enjoy this kind of content. It will help us with the “social media algorith
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