Piping Up! Organ Concert at Temple Square | November 24, 2021
Tabernacle Organist: Richard Elliott
1. “Nun danket alle Gott,” Op. 65, No. 59 (arr. Karg-Elert)
2. “Praise and Thanksgiving” (arr. Wood)
3. “Benedictus” (Reger)
4. “… and thanksgivings may follow,” from Rubrics (Locklair)
5. “Come, Come Ye Saints” (arr. Elliott)
6. “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” (arr. Elliott)
7. “Improvisation on ‘Hymn to Joy’” (Beethoven, arr. Elliott)
Host: Luke Howard
The new organ concert series, Piping Up: Organ Concerts at Temple Square, will stream at 12:00 p.m. (mountain) on Wednesdays. Each concert will feature a different Tabernacle or Temple Square organist. A PDF of the organ concert programs will be posted online on the organ concert event page for all patrons who are interested:
(Please note: this event is filmed without an audience.) Noon organ recitals have been a tradition on Temple Square for more than a century. The current pandemic has halted this tradition temporarily, but now via the intern
4 months ago 00:04:02 1
ARMIN KÜPPER | PIPELINEFUNK - concert / Saxophone jamsession & crazy natural echo from the pipeline