“LA Is The Mecca of Basketball“ Rheina Ale Is Changing Lives Through HOOPING | LA Basketball Ep. 1

If you’re in the LA area, visit for more information. Rheina Ale is one of the most prominent basketball coaches and trainers in the Los Angeles area. LA Basketball helped shape who she is today and she now uses her experiences and knowledge to help shape the next generation of hoopers. #TeamNike #NikeLA Follow Rheina: Follow Nike LA: Subscribe to our memberships to get Perks and access to Special Live Streams: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If You Love Our Content, You’ll Love Our Brand, Shop With us: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop: ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Follow Us On Social! --------------------------------- INSTAGRAM: Twitter: Facebook: -------------------------------------------------- Check Out Our Other Channels: -------------------------------------------------- Main Channel: BIL 2.0: EastCoast Highlights: WestCoast Highlights: MidWest Highlights: The South Highlights: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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