JOBS in Italian (+ Essential Vocabulary about WORK)

Welcome to a new Italian lesson! Today you’ll learn the jobs in Italian and some basic vocabulary about work. ---------------------------- SUMMARY OF THE LESSON -------------------------- The lesson is structured in two parts. PART 1: In the first part of this lesson, I’ll show you how to say some of the most frequent jobs in Italian. They’re grouped into categories to make it easier to memorize them. 1. Health: dottore/dottoressa (doctor), infermiere/infermiera (nurse), farmacista (pharmacist), dentista (dentist) 2. Security: polizziotto/poliziotta (policeman/policewoman), vigile del fuoco (firefighter), militare (soldier) 3. Service providers: avvocato (lawyer), contabile (accountant), architetto (architect), ingegnere (engineer), meccanico (mechanic), idraulico (plumber) 4. Fashion & Beauty: stilista (fashion designer), modello/modella (models), parrucchiere/parrucchiera (hairdresser), estetista (beautician) 5. Tv/Shows: attore (actor), at
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