Daft Punk - Giorgio By Moroder BASS COVER - with notation and tabs

Ooooooook, another nice and easy one for my 2nd week back :/ Seriously I think my Patrons are trying to kill me. This one (the 2nd half - you’ll see what I mean) really kicked my ass. Thank you to Patron Nicholas for the crazy request. Apparently this one had two bass players on it, Nathan East and James Genus. They probably switch out in the string break. The tune takes us through a bunch of different styles as it strives to explain/pay homage to “Giorgio“, an electronic music pioneer. Really challenging and interesting bass stuff, especially in the 2nd half. Lots of cool rock licks making use of open strings - basically coming up with rock “riffs“ on the spot throughout the song. The last few choruses are pretty unintelligible bass-wise, so I gave myself some freedom to just rock out with the track. Enjoy all! Have a great weekend. :) ----------------------------------------------- Looking for a PDF bass chart for this tune? Want to ensure
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