Wanderer edit - Miss wanna die// with lyrics

Time for a new upload, little stars :) This time, a short video using After Effects for the first time (sorry if it’s not good)... Good luck for everyone pulling for Scara-- I mean, Wanderer → Wanderer teaser: → Please, do not repost → Credits: Game: Genshin Impact Scenes: Hoyoverse Song: Miss Wanna Die - Shinitai Chan Edit audio by @YuNGFrizEdits ( ) → Softwares: - After Effects 2020 → Copyright: - I have no rights on the game footages/characters and/or background musics - All of the content is under the fair use without any intend to infringe copyright. If you own any of the content on the video and want me to remove it, please contact me → Tags: #genshinimpact #genshin #games #amv #gmv #edit #gamescene #misswannadie #amv #inazuma #sumeru #scaramouche #wanderer
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