Boom Boom - The Guitar of John Lee Hooker - taught by Tom Feldmann

For FREE tab/music for this lesson go to: John Lee Hookers trademark one chord blues style can be traced back to his Mississippi roots where he first learned to play guitar and although often described as a simple technique, the rhythm found in his playing is the bedrock by which all things blues, fingerstyle, rock, etc., is based upon. John Lee Hooker played out of standard tuning, E position, and Spanish tuning, typically Open A, and nearly all his recorded works fall into either category. Breaking this collection into two parts Feldmann walks you through every aspect of Hookers playing style in both Standard and Spanish tuning. You’ll even be treated to live video footage of Hooker performing the tunes taught out of Standard tuning on electric, and more rare, acoustic guitar. Whether your looking to learn Hookers songs, licks, or playing style you’ll find those elements in spades, plus most importantly you’ll improve your rhythmic tech
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