Between Light and Darkness: The Decision of Love

In a world of reflections and uncertainties, Where stars dance through the mists, Whispers of a heart seeking peace, In this dance of light and darkness. It is normal to be sad, When the right decision has been made, When the heart breaks, Because it knows it follows the right path. But in the darkness of the night, Amid the tears that fall like rain, There is a light that shines A promise of eternal love. For though the heart is heavy And the mind confused by doubt, There’s a certainty that won’t fade, The love that holds us together. It’s normal to be sad, When the right decision has been made, But in sorrow there’s hope, And in hope there’s love. So dry your tears, And embrace your decision with courage, Because even though it’s painful now, One day you will understand its true worth. And in the embrace of the night, When the world subsides, You will know that you chose with your heart, And that love will always guide your way. - R. - Love stories and poems
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