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Video Info: Me walking in the waves by sgu18ify, CC Attribution 3.0 Unported License:
New feature alert! With the release of the 2023 series, Derivative have added a slew of new features to TouchDesigner, including OAK-D sensor support, ProRes support, timecode tools, and the Body Track CHOP.
The Body Track CHOP is an exciting addition, which uses the Nvidia Maxine AR SDK to perform body pose estimation on any video or camera input. The output can be pretty impressive, even rivalling the performance of previous specialized sensors. Along with that, the ability to be able to process any video feed aside from the usual camera input makes room for new creative possibilities.
In this video, Jack DiLaura walks you through using the Body Track CHOP to create a cool particle system effect that follows users detected in a video or camera feed. Along with utilizing the new Body Track CHOP, you’ll experiment with various features of the particlesGPU COMP to create dynamic and responsive particle behaviour.
4 months ago 00:04:02 1
The Exaltics & Paris The Black FU - An Aliens Commentary On What He Observes From The Edge Of Space