Joe Rogan: How Many Extinction Events Has Earth Lived Through?!
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Joe Rogan, Jimmy Corsetti & Ben van Kerkwyk sit down and discuss the numerous amount of meteors that have cause unspeakable damage to civilizations throughout history.
Jimmy Corsetti is the independent researcher behind “Bright Insight“: a YouTube channel exploring ancient mysteries and lost civilizations. Ben van Kerkwyk is an independent researcher and creator of UnchartedX on YouTube, dedicated to exploring the mysteries of the past with a focus on ancient engineering, precision, and technology.
Clip taken from JRE #1928 w/ Jimmy Corsetti & Ben van Kerkwyk
Host: Joe Rogan @joerogan
Guest: Jimmy Corsetti & Ben van Kerkwyk
Producer: Jamie Vernon @jamievernon
#jre #joerogan #comedy #funny