나누미 여러분의 사연과 후원금을 통해 제작된 첫 번째 음악과 뮤직비디오가 공개되었습니다!
사연과 후원금을 나누어준 모든 여러분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다
계속해서 좋은 음악과 영상으로 보답해 드리겠습니다
다음 프로젝트도 기대해 주세요!
The first music and music video produced through the stories and donations of NANUMI has been released!
We sincerely thank all of you for sharing your episodes and donations.
We will continue to reward you with good music and video.
Please look forward to the next project!
Director, NOVA @nova0soul
AD, Changyu Park @textmeafter
Producer, Sangjin Han @dduckjin
PA, Taehee Kim @h_i5252
DOP, Sunghyun Kim @hyun_dify
AC, Junho Lee @nonsanddalgi
Drone Operator, Joohoon Lee @_j2x24
Editor, Seungho Jung
Production by 17oz @17oz_official
special thanks to @analography_studio
시청해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Thank you for your support and comments.
Stay tuned for upcoming events and clips.
more about NNG ㄴㄴㄱ :
Contact E-mail: studionngofficial@