Online Course - Orthodox Ecclesiology: Lesson 1 - What is the Church?

WHAT IS THE CHURCH? The first lesson of our 10 week course, “Orthodox Ecclesiology: The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the Pan-Heresy of Syncretistic Ecumenism“ is now available. Recorded on TUE., Feb. 16th @ 9 PM EST This is the first lessson of a 10 week course, with a separate Q&A every Thursday @ 9 PM EST. First Lesson will be live-streamed right here on YT-The Orthodox Ethos Channel, as well as via Facebook (both our profile and page, as well as the Orthodox Survival Course group). - - - It is hard to underestimate the importance of acquiring the Orthodox outlook on the Church in this day and age of syncretistic ecumenism and the rise of the spirit of Antichrist! To truly entrust oneself to Christ and come to the experiential knowledge of Christ is to experience Him as Body of Christ and to enter into the Mystery of the Incarnation of which the Church is the continuation. In this 10 week course, of which this lesson is the introduction, we will survey the great monuments of our F
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