2024-12-18_10-46-47 _ real DANGER acc TO THE NIEDERSACHSEN so called SUPERVISION HEALTH CARE LAW _ !! _ by FRIEDRICH4
GERMAN bitte auf @Breslau-Friends == HILFE nötig! / HELP needed! from the outside! == ENGLISH: ACCUSATION FROM ME, THE AFFECTED “NOT MENTALLY SICK MAN“ - it could be political (what is going against me), I write that with a small risk involved - it could be as well crazy childhood antagonisms running medical against me personally... because here it was often said ‘we are refugees’ (we dit not fit in therfore) ... my mother ELSE URBAN (pretty sure the original VIKTORIA LUISE, being most likely being illegally forceful being pushed out of her home (acc to detective insight from 2024) in GERMANY - HARZ Blankenburg in 1933 by a ‘similar looking one’ that had returned home from Austria earlier then my mother Else-Viktoria and then ‘changed the guards’ to keep her illegally out, later being on the Nazi side and later on the Allied’s side against my mother and me?). There were many rumours and contradictory “truths“ about this dark ‘Nazi era’ and I showed up myself to give these rumors a document (file a complaint) that was myself as a youth in the 80s (with no result so far) BTW “FRIEDRICH4“ is just my so-called ‘nickname’, it was for a short time in the 80s I was called that way without knowing the reasons, “was it to remember an old leader“?) Diet. Joh. Friedrich N. is in the officially registered documents, here abbreviated in some parts; when filing the complain (it was on rumors only, but from different sided, somehow contradicitons inside?) that also was in this way indicated a HESSEN bank (with that complaint I doubted, for example, whether the Grand Duke’s assets came into the right hands in Hesse from about 1937 - I then follewed the contradicted rumors that my mother was not only playing “Johanna of Hessen“ but had maybe been the child that was brought to dy in the hospital and then by my mother else “playing a nurse“ was taking out from among the dying ...). Because this “other birth-mother“ Dorothea was really ‘playing’ during her student days in the 1960s a princess ... I thought it would be sure she was not the original ... !?, after all ... she was having good memories of ‘once having been in the castle’ in HESSEN, but there were also ‘playmates’ of Johanna Hessen ob der Rhein (was my mother maybe a playmate only with Johanna ?), (FOR ME STILL A SECRET AS WELL: two birth-mothers: Else/Dorothea (both claiming to be my mother and both indeed breastfeeding me, IS MY MEMORY UNWANTED AND DO POLITICAL PRESSURE-ENTITIES WANT THE DOCTORS RESULTS, BEING “MENTALLY ILL“?) ... as a detective the question for motives are first, could be ‘property’ in the state of Hessen be the cause (to do tricks with my mothers and now with me?), this thinking is said to have existed in Russia (that therfore the leaders were killed by the communists in the 1920s?). Only recently I came across these ancient scans (the the charactistics of my “both mothers“), ... DETECTIVE WORK, showing in overview that in foreign groups her facial features are “traces“ or even CIRCUMSTANCIAL EVIDENCE IN ITSELF? (how could they both having been in those parties on different locations !?). But why were both of them ( 2009 and 2002) NEVER BEEN RECOGNIZED even filing complaints in HESSEN AND HANNOVER ? ... when my mother Dorothea did reports to the Federal German authorities around 1982, I was with her as a witness ... officially I was then 14 years old myself (1968 is in the papers, 1986 I was in the United States (U.S.) New York / Manhattan to file a complaint that I want to find our, if that could be the location of an earlier birth in 1967 maybe, no results though till today (haing found the face of Mrs Marshall these days, please look at another of my videos), as said, I myself was present in Hanover when a report was made (we had the green Audi 80, it could well be 1983 or 1984 as well - was then and there hinted (give the trace) that the “Nazi era“ could be the time that had taken place? ... that then another “Herzogin von Hannover“ was there, it was not said by my mothers who could be the real one), it may be that they (politicians or the govering Allied force like GB or US or France or other “helpers“ - most likely there not the Allies from the UdSSR or the Sowjet Union ?) did “they“ or “those“ intended to put it ‘ad acta’ with a ‘political seal’ havign had it “once on the table“? Besides, that time was still the time of Allied “reservations“. In fact, in the 1980s I myself (especially abroad) was ‘invided’ as a successor “to think about entering the “diplomatic“ field“ or to try on the shoes of a “prince“ (being invited in the DDR with real intesting “extra rights“). [...]
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