Christ Almost Forgot Who He Was In This Matrix Of Satan (It Is Designed To Do The Same To You)
Christ Almost Forgot Who He Was In This Matrix Of Satan (It Is Designed To Do The Same To You) I have a great secret I have kept from you all, and Creator has insisited I share it. Here on Earth, the body, the world, the sight, the pain, the suffering, the temptation, the pleasures of the flesh, all tools inducing amnesia over the Christ light incarnate that you are. Christ himself almost forgot who he was in this matrix of Satan, but in the final moment, his connection was too great, and still forgiveness was present. For his spirit did not become entombed in the simulated pains of the world. We too must not be lured, when placed upon our cross, to forget the love, and forgiveness we are and dwell from.
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00:00 Introduction
02:50 A true world view, the Satanic plan to extract energy from the souls of men
04:51 Into the beauty of the world, hacked with the sufferings of the fallen
08:39 Don’t forget what you are, the flesh calls on you to do so
13:03 My secret I hope will empower you
14:50 All knowingness vs the false creator Gods
16:46 The superhuman power of accessing all knowiing revelation
19:06 Jesus nearly believed the world, but the matrix failed
23:20 Divine spontaneous creation, God in human hands and feet
25:59 My Great Secret
29:37 God can use you, in any state of health and brokneness
32:30 God using sickness to humble men for the greater good
34:31 The flesh must not bury power of your spiriti or the matrix wins
37:13 Spirit is truth, this is how you win everytime
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