Team Neighborhood – 3. Pool Fools

As a heat wave sweeps the neighborhood, the RED team has a solution that drives the BLU team desperate. Me and Batman1138 said we were gonna make this episode shorter than the last! We succeeded in failure! This episode was supposed to come out around August, but Cable Calamity gave us almost 2 months worth of major setbacks. Nothing like a summer episode in fall, eh? At least we got it out in time for the Jungle Inferno Update! Now me and Batman will be taking a bit of a break from Team Neighborhood for the time being, as we are feeling a bit burned out. So far we have made over an hours worth of footage of this series for you guys and gals to enjoy. We will be returning to Outsourced and other smaller projects for the time being and WILL return to Team Neighborhood after a bit of a respite. Voices ElectricStar SuperVario64 CCat Legendary Scout Dr. McMoon Great Dictator Batman1138 Special Thanks to those who helped us out with this video! Maxxy Dr. McMoon SuperVario64 CCat Burno Kitty0706 (Inspiration) Electricstar’s new channel Power Crunch Steam Groups of the VAs - CCat () - SuperVario64 () 📅︎ 🔗︎ 🇭🇷 GreatDictator, Great Dictator, Dino Stipicevic 🔗︎ 🔗︎ 🔗︎ 🔗︎ 🔗︎ 🔗︎ 🔑︎ #TF2, Team Fortress 2, #GMod, Garry’s Mod, #SFM, Source Filmmaker, #Source
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