Final Presentation = Crystal Ball 2021 = Amateur/Adult/ Ballroom

The best Amateur/Adult/ couples dancing Dance-Presentation in the Final of the “Open to the World Dance Festival “Crystal Ball 2021““. On our channel we will publish videos of Latin dances performed by leading world and Russian couples WDC and WDSF, from competitions in dance sports, mainly from Russia. New videos almost every day! 👉Subscribe to our Youtube channel: 👉Link to this video: January 24, 2021, Saint Petersburg Timeline: 0:00 - Ilya Golovchenko & Kristina Bogoslavskaya /171 1:10 - Aleksandr Ryabtsev & Mariya Oblakova /174 2:14 - Ayaz Giniyatullin & Polina Teplitskaya /184 3:19 - Evgeniy Nikitin & Valeriya Menyaylo /189 4:25 - Andrey Volkov & Aysylu Giniyatullina /191 5:36 - Alexander Borisov & Sofia Shchipskaya /192 Finals Results: 1. Ilya Golovchenko & Kristina Bogoslavskaya /171 2. Alexander Borisov & Sofia Shchipskaya /192 3. Evgeniy Nikitin & Valeriya Menyaylo /189 4. Andrey Volkov & Aysylu Gin
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