«Былина о крещении Руси»/ Музыка народная/ The Epic Tale of the Baptism of Rus’/ Traditional tune
Песню «Былина о крещении Руси» исполняет Полина Терентьева. Стихи Спиридона Дрожжина, музыка народная.
Tекст песни представлен в видео и, для удобства чтения, в нашем первом закрепленном комментарии.
«Былина о крещении Руси» русского поэта Спиридона Дмитриевича Дрожжина (1848—1930) была написана в 1888 году к 900-летию крещения Руси.
В фильме использованы картины:
1. Сергей Иванов. Христианство и язычество. 1912.
2. Дина Безбородых. Владыка Макарий (Булгаков).
3. Мария Лазарева. Вербное воскресенье.
4. Дина Безбородых. Вечерняя молитва.
5. Александр Егоров. На колокольне.
6. Николай Рерих. Славяне на Днепре. 1905.
7. Вячеслав Назарук. Боян.
8. Андрей Рябушкин. Пир богатырей у ласкового князя Владимира. 1888.
9. Константин Маковский. Боярский свадебный пир в XVII веке. 1883.
10. Петр Заболотский. Обращение князя Владимира в христианство. 1866.
11. Борис Ольшанский. Из тёмной глубины веков. 2003.
12. Андрей Шишкин. Былина.
13. Екатерина Юркина. Хоровод.
14. Борис Ольшанский. Рось Великая. 2005.
15. Иван Айвазовский. Георгиевский монастырь. Мыс Фиолент. 1846.
16. Николай Рерих. Идолы. Языческая Русь. 1910.
17. Виктор Васнецов. Баян. 1910.
18. Николай Рерих. Идолы. 1901.
19. Виктор Васнецов. Крещение Руси. Эскиз к фреске Владимирского собора в Киеве. 1885—1896.
20. Исаак Левитан. Вечерний звон. 1892.
21. Владимир Муллин. Великорецкий крестный ход.
The song «The Epic Tale of The Baptism of Rus’» is performed by Polina Terentyeva. Lyrics by Spiridon Drozhzhin. Music of unknown authorship, traditional tune.
Why is it that all over Holy Rus’
Bells are ringing, tolling and resounding?
Why is it that all of those who are baptized
From all over our land are gathering in church?
Many days and years have gone by since then,
Many wondrous things have been done since then,
Ever since the first time bells were rung and tolled,
Ever since the first time Rus’ emerged baptized.
Hail, O broad Dnieper, by your flowing waves
Take the bard to Kiyv, to the capital,
Sing along, my song, with the singing harp,
Strike like thunder over all the golden strings!
At Prince Vladimir’s, in the capital,
A lavish feast was held, a sumptuous repast,
In the midst of regal red brocaded silk
Many people sat of many ranks and titles.
All the guests conversed with one another there,
An auroch’s horn with honey passed from hand to hand,
Everybody drank to his heart’s desire
Heady beer and fine wine from chiseled ladles.
Only the prince did not touch his drink,
And he paced and paced all around the table,
While the harper had long been tuning his harp
To tell an epic tale of the Prince’s deeds.
He strummed the strings, his song rolled over them and spilled
Into the people’s voices singing along with him,
And to this day together they sing this glorious song,
This song is being heard all over Holy Rus’.
Is there a nook in our whole land
Where this glorious song has not been retold?
Is there a soul in which it never rose
Like a round pearl from the depths of seas?
The song was of the times when Perun had stood
By the Dnieper River in Kyiv on a rock,
And the singer’s thoughts, as he touched the strings,
Like a white gyrfalcon flew into the sky.
Idol altars’ fire had been smoldering,
And the incense smoke had been rising up,
Until all the people, led by their prince,
Being one heart with him, were at once baptized.
That’s why Vladimir threw the feast that day,
And today the bells are ringing merrily,
And all the baptized folk from all over our land
Are gathering in holy church to worship God.
Translated by Anna Davis.
«The Epic Tale of the Baptism of Russia» by the Russian poet Spiridon Dmitrievich Drozhzhin (1848—1930) was written in 1888 for the 900th anniversary of the baptism of Russia.
The following paintings are used in the video:
1. Sergey Ivanov. Christianity and Paganism. 1912.
2. Dina Bezborodykh. Vladyka Macarius (Bulgakov).
3. Maria Lazareva. Palm Sunday.
4. Dina Bezborodykh. Evening Prayer.
5. Alexander Egorov. On the Bell Tower.
6. Nicholas Roerich. Slavs on the Dnieper. 1905.
7. Vyacheslav Nazaruk. Boyan.
8. Andrey Ryabushkin. The Feast of the Heroes at the Kindly Prince Vladimir’s. 1888.
9. Konstantin Makovsky. Boyar Wedding Feast in the XVII Century. 1883.
10. Pyotr Zabolotsky. The Сonversion of Prince Vladimir to Christianity. 1866.
11. Boris Olshansky. Out of the Dark Depths of Centuries. 2003.
12. Andrey Shishkin. The Epic Tale (Bylina).
13. Ekaterina Yurkina. Round Dance.
14. Boris Olshansky. Ros’ the Great. 2005.
15. Ivan Aivazovsky. St. George Monastery. Cape Fiolent. 1846.
16. Nicholas Roerich. The Idols. Pagan Rus’. 1910.
17. Victor Vasnetsov. Bayan. 1910.
18. Nicholas Roerich. The Idols. 1901.
19. Victor Vasnetsov. The Baptism of Rus’. Sketch for the fresco of St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral in Kiev. 1885—1896.
20. Isaac Levitan. Evening Bells. 1892.
21. Vladimir Mullin. Velikoretsk’s Procession.