Germany isn’t ready for new tech. Here’s why.

Many visitors to Germany remark on the country’s slow acceptance of modern technology. But maybe Germany is actually doing itself a favour. Hear me out on this one... You might also enjoy this video: Chapters: 00:00 It got me thinking... 00:56 The fear of stalking 02:06 Unexpected drive-in theatre 03:27 Razor blades Music: “Style Funk“ and “Hot Swing“ by Kevin MacLeod Creative Commons Attribution licence --------- Support me on Patreon for access to bonus content and more: Send letters and postcards to: Rewboss Postfach 10 06 29 63704 Aschaffenburg Germany Please don’t send parcels or packages, or anything that has to be signed for. --------- My website: My blog: My Twitter feed: My Facebook profile:
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