What happens after death?

❓Have you ever asked yourself: What happens after death? Who can answer this question? 🔹Science? 🔹Religion? 🔹Eyewitnesses, Those who have experienced clinical death? ❌Most of people are afraid of even thinking of it. Some people mask their age. Others zealously pray and hope for something. Others deny everything. 🤨There’s a lot of distortion and falsification about the afterlife fate. 📜But many scientific, historical researches and scriptures revealed truth, There is truth in them, but it is not customary to talk about it openly 👉 Conference, “LIFE AFTER DEATH. FICTION AND FACTS“ which will take place on May 22nd 2021 will answer all these questions. 🌐Watch live broadcast: Death is not the end. We have the right to know the Truth! ✅The official website of ALLATRA IPM: ✅E-mail: info
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