Cops Give Big Show (1959)

Title reads: “Cops give Big Show“. Berlin Olympic Stadium, Germany. Various shots Berlin Police marching round in parade. Various shots motorcyclists and cars in the parade. G/Vs police marching in formation. C/U Willie Brandt, mayor of West Berlin, looking on. G/V police running towards a stationary motorcyclist, they dive over him. Police demonstrate assault course: G/V police running towards and climbing rigging. G/V as they clamber over the top and down the other side. C/U policeman running, he dives through a drum. C/U Alsatian dog jumping through the drum. Policeman crawls through a cloth pipeline. C/U as he emerges at the other end. C/U policeman diving through a frame in a wooden structure. Self-defence demonstration: policeman being tackled by thugs, one of them tries to kick him, he grabs hold of the attackers legs and throws him, the other comes at him with a stick and he throws him over his shoulder. G/V motorcycle demonstration. G/V foot police demonstration. G/V motorc
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