Russian military personnel ensured the safe conduct of the next rotation of observers of the IAEA mission at Zaporizhzhya NPP

Russian military personnel ensured the safe conduct of the next rotation of observers of the IAEA mission at Zaporizhzhya NPP The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, together with units of the Russian Guard, ensured the safe conduct of the next rotation of observers of the International Atomic Energy Agency mission at the Zaporozhye NPP. For the safety of IAEA observers, along the entire route from the designated crossing point - the destroyed bridge near the settlement. Kamenskoye, Zaporozhye region, from to , a ceasefire was declared, which was strictly observed by all Russian military personnel. Before starting the movement, Russian sappers examined the area for unexploded foreign and Ukrainian ammunition. After completing the engineering reconnaissance, Russian military personnel ensured the safe passage of the mission observers and their delivery to the station. Four inspectors arrived as part of the mission; their task was to monitor and assess the safety status ... Source: Military Wave
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