Homemade Lightsaber!?! MASSIVE 3W Handheld Laser Torching Stuff!!

Here my BEAST 3000mW blue laser goes up against a bunch of flammable stuff. Most things light INSTANTLY when placed in the beam of this laser! This is the most powerful handheld laser that I’ve ever used! NEW!! Even stronger laser that I built! This laser uses the new 9mm 450nm laser diode and runs on two 18650 Li Ion batteries. The housing is a custom machined “Sirius“ host. I usually try to refrain from using the term “lightsaber“ when referring to my lasers bПока все мечтали, один изобретатель сделал ручной лазер мощностью 3 ватта, выглядящий как лазерный меч!
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