Pull Up feat Haviah Mighty

Keys N Krates – “Pull Up feat Haviah Mighty” out now on Last Gang Records. Save/stream here: “We were channel-ing everything from baile funk and Miami bass, to Missy Elliot with this one. We were already in touch with Haviah at the time before making this. When we came up with the initial ’Pull Up’ demo, we knew she would be perfect on it, and we knew it would be perfect to show how special she is as an artist.“ - Keys N Krates “The production on this track fueled the mood and energy of my lyrics. I just caught a vibe and rode the instrumentation; which makes me feel like I’m in the grimiest, dirtiest, best underground basement jam! It feels like a night of haze and liquor with the perfect soundtrack. I’m confident and I’m feeling myself. This song is the confident lion with a freshly tamed mane, walking into the function. It is the sexy, the cool, grungy and dirty, but also, it’s sooo clean!“ - Haviah Mighty
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