Goran Šarić - „Poreklo Slovena“/ “The Origin of the Slavs“ (srb/eng)
Predavanje Gorana Šarića, katoličkog teologa i istoričara, na temu „Poreklo Slovena“ (22. 7. 2021)
Pitanje porekla Slovena je, prema Šarićevim rečima, i dan danas, kao i u minulim godinama, zapravo rezultat raznih ideoloških pitanja. To je ujedno i jedan od glavnih razloga zašto se ovoj temi nije pristupilo kroz multidisciplinarna istraživanja.
Dominantna teorija o prapostojbini Slovena je ona po kojoj su se na Balkan doselili iz podnožja Karpata ili doline Dnjepra. Za Šarića je ovo samo uticaj ideologije boljševizma i ruske nadmoći. Nasuprot tome, aktuelna je i teorija o autohtonosti naroda, koja se tumači pogrešno doživljavanjem njegovog postojanja na jednom prostoru „od Adama ili pre njega“. Ni ovo nije pravilno shvatanje budući da se ne može govoriti o predcivilizacijskom vremenu, već o periodu kulturnog, religijskog i civilizacijskog razvoja Balkana. Shodno tome, gradove na prostoru od Alpa do Crnog mora nisu mogli graditi pećinski ljudi ili nomadi, već svedoče i dužem postojanju naroda koji se počeo razvijati čak i pre perioda razvoja rimske civilizacije.
Lecture by Goran Šarić, Catholic theologian and historian, on the topic “The Origin of the Slavs“ (July 22, 2021)
According to Šarić, the issue of the origin of the Slavs is today, as in the past, the result of various ideological issues. This is also one of the main reasons why this topic has not been approached through multidisciplinary research.
The dominant theory about the original homeland of the Slavs is the one according to which they moved to the Balkans from the foothills of the Carpathians or the Dnieper valley. For Šarić, this is the influence of the ideology of Bolshevism and Russian supremacy. The theory of the autochthony of the people is also current, but it is misinterpreted by those who think that autochthony means “existence in an area ’since Adam or before him’“. This is not a correct understanding, since we are not talking about the pre-civilization time, but about the period of cultural, religious and civilizational development of the Balkans. The cities in the area from the Alps to the Black Sea could not have been built by cavemen or nomads, but testify to the longer existence of the people that began to develop even before the period of development of the Romans.
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