Director / Cinematographer / Editor
Kuya Tatsujo 達上空也
Rin 凜
Jiro Yanase 柳瀬二郎
Filming Assistant Yoko Kusano草野庸子
Production Design Minami Sakurai櫻井南
Assistant Director Kodai Takahashi高橋昂大
Credit Design Riku Hoshika 星加陸
Translator Kei matsumaru 松丸契
炎天の日 / Scorching Day / Scorching Sun
いつだったか / Some time ago
足を挫いた君をおぶり / Carrying you on my back with your sprained leg
裏返る波を敷いて立っていた / Standing atop waves turning inside out
ダンボールの山に蛇が出た / From a pile of cardboard a snake appeared
君は後ろ髪を纏め / You had your hair tied back
庭園に咲くのを忘れ / Forgetting to bloom in the garden
俺は瞬きを忘れて / I forgot to blink
明日には生まれも忘れて / By tomorrow I may even forget being born
形にこだわり / Caring about formalities
消えるのをただ待つ間に / While merely waiting to disappear
繋がっていられるのか / Can we stay connected
悲鳴に頼り / By counting on cries
電気街を貪るだけで / And simply devouring the electric city
熱病は治るか / Does a fever get cured
擦れた君の命の陰で / In the shadow of your strained spirit
報われた恋はまたほとばしる / Requited romance overflows again
肥えきった鮒のように / As though a fattened carp
いつだったか / Some time ago
うつ伏せに覆い被さった月 / Blanketed by the moon lying face down
風吹く町で冷めた雑炊を傾け / In a windy town, tilting porridge gone cold
馬鹿を捕まえて笑う / I catch a fool and laugh
一晩中吹き荒む黄桃の風に / The gushing winds of yellow peaches all night
/ The season forgotten in a shopping cart starts rolling down
絶頂に苛まれ散っていった役者の / Don’t put up a poster
ポスターなんか張るな / Of an actor tormented in climax and faded
俺は瞬きを忘れ / I forgot to blink
負け続けしまいには / I kept losing until
塞がれたマンホールに頭を打って / I hit my head on a closed manhole
ぐっすりと眠りについてしまった / And fell into slumber
いつだって君が恋しい / I miss you, always
恋しくてたまらない / I miss you so much I can’t stand it
たまらない夜にも慣れて / But I get used to such nights
俺は華やぎを求め / I long for glamour
電気街に貪りつく蛇さ / I’m a snake that gnaws at the electric city
擦れた君のささやかな乳房に抱かれ / In the embrace of your strained small breasts
黙り込む俺は今ほとばしる / I go silent and now overflow
肥えきった鮒のように / As though a fattened carp
命の陰に報われた君がいた / In the shadow of life, there you were, requited
ほとばしるほとばしる / Overflow, overflow
来年は君と / Next year with you
炎天の日には子供達も連れて / On a scorching day with the kids
君はずっと蛇に怯え / The whole time you are afraid of snakes
子供達は水遊び / The kids play with water
はしゃぎまわるけど / And run around
俺は瞬きを忘れ / But I forget to blink
炎天に君を眺めていた / And gaze at you in the scorching sun
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