Cycle In French History (1948)

Full title reads: “CYCLE IN FRENCH HISTORY“. France, various. Paris - Night shot, cyclists at start of Paris-Brest-Paris bicycle race. Starter with long moustache drops flag. Night shot, start of the race, pan to back view. Long shot of cyclists pressing on through the night. Car headlamps following. Long shot of the rooftops at dawn. Back view, cyclists pressing on. Various close up shots of the contestants cycling. Paris - Camera cases and cameras on steps outside Elysee Palace. Close up shot of Edouard Herriot walking out and talks to reporters. Long shot of the new cabinet posing on steps of Elysee Palace. Robert Schumann, Vincent Auriol and Andre Marie to the fore. Close up shot of Schumann and Auriol. Brest - Close up shot of the cyclist starting again after refresher at Brest. Close up shot of a priest cycling along with contestants. Benoit Faure, French hope, cycling along road with priest at his side. Cyclists leaving Brest pass the tail end of race - those going into Brest. Close up shot
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