Plant Guy - In Harmony With Nature 🎵[lofi hip hop/relaxing beats]
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Carefully selected lofi hip hop beats to help you work, study or relax.
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🎶 | Tracklist
[00:00] Over The Bridge
[01:47] Beyond Imagination
[03:56] In The Fields
[06:25] Towards The Mountains
[08:29] Cozy Home
🎨 | Artwork by Céline Simoni
🎵 work - study - chill - sleep 🎵
One beautiful melody is suitable for calming, another for excitement, the third helps to learn, and the fourth is better to fall asleep, the fifth helps to achieve contact.
Good music is a godsend for nervous people. She is able to calm down, give a feeling of comfort and security, relieve stress and get rid of sad thoughts, stop the constant whirl of thoughts and problems.
“Relax and unwind from everyday stresses with our inspiring collection of relaxing music. Combining unique instrument sounds and quiet vocal lines, this music will create an atmosphere of deep relaxation and peace for you. Let this music quiet your mind and soothe your body, helping you enjoy the moment and take a break from everything.“
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