Let’s paint carnation in watercolor. tutorial step by step.

In this video I will show you how to paint red carnation step by step. . 📍I will use COLOR: Vermilion, Magenta, Sap green and Ultramarine deep. PAPER: Arches Cold pressed 140lb. 7x10” BRUSH: DaVinci Cosmotop 5, Escoda pointed brush. Thank you and enjoy the video and for all your support. I hope you like this video and you should try this one. Please don’t forget to subscribe, hit the like boton and leave good comments. It will give me a lot of happy and good energy. 📍 And I’d like let you know about my online class 101. This class will give you one point lesson per each class how to sketch, how to use watercolor, how to incorporate light and shadow and how to learn watercolor techniques. If you are interested in my online class click the link below. 📍
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