Freedom is Near. Single 2022. ONE MORE TALE Official video

FREEDOM IS NEAR Symphonic metal ONE MORE TALE, Single 2022 Official music video. Музыка: Ольга Азаренко Стихи: Сергей Бурдинцев Художник: Галина Зайцева Звукорежиссёр: Алексей Зверев Гитара и бас: Роман Валерьев (группы “КОЛИЗЕЙ“, “КОРСИКА“) Music: Olga Azarenko Lyrics: Sergey Burdintsev Artist: Galina Zaitseva Sound Engineer: Alexey Zverev Guitar and bass: Roman Valeryev FOLLOW “ONE MORE TALE“: LYRICS Verse 1: Ships fly in the air Stand still and see them flying They gone from fire dragon lair The clouds are young but dying Chorus: Into the distance Their claims are clear To reach the horizon Sweep aside the fear All chains are broken No thing to hold them hear The Stars come closer The freedom is near Verse 2: Stop and look at the sky Break the run, let your fantasy fly Dreamcatcher guards your dream Your fantasy wil
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