On the hills of Manchuria (На сопках Маньчжурии) - with ENG/CHN/RUS Subtitles

A tribute to the bravery of all the fallen soldiers and the Mokshansky Regiment in the Battle of Mukden, Manchuria, 1905. This Waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria” has been popular in Russia and certain Slavic nations for over 115 years. Several versions of lyrics were written for this Waltz, but in recent years, a renaissance to restore traditional culture gained momentum in Russia. Gennady Venediktov (Геннадий Венедиктов), a Russian poet and writer, wrote this lyrics in 2017, aiming to mirror as much as possible the actual battle conditions, and to remain truthful to the spirit of why Shatrov wrote this Waltz. And it achieved that objective. Music composed by: Ilya Alekseevich Shatrov, 1906 Russian lyrics written by: Gennady Venediktov, 2017 Russian subtitle: English translation by: Stories of Music, 2021 (special thanks to Sasha’s help in correcting our translations.) Original Lyrics: Въ утренней мглѣ Горнъ проигралъ сиг
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