The Caretaker - Everywhere at the end of time - Stage 2 (FULL ALBUM)

Everywhere at the end of time - Stage 2 00:00:00 - C1 - A losing battle is raging 00:04:38 - C2 - Misplaced in time 00:09:20 - C3 - What does it matter how my heart breaks 00:11:58 - C4 - Glimpses of hope in trying times 00:16:41 - C5 - Surrendering to despair 00:21:45 - D1 - I still feel as though I am me 00:25:53 - D2 - Quiet dusk coming early 00:29:30 - D3 - Last moments of pure recall 00:33:23 - D4 - Denial unravelling 00:37:39 - D5
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