Public FreakOut

(11 Sep 2001) Jerusalem, Damascus Gate place to enter the Old City of Jerusalem 1. Various of adults and children celebrating in the street 2. Shop owner giving out celebratory cakes 3. Various of trucks driving past waving, beeping and saluting in celebration STORYLINE: There were celebrations at Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate, following the attacks on the Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Palestinian men, women and children chanted in jubilation after terrorists crashed two planes into the World Trade Center causing them to collapse on Tuesday morning. Within the hour, an aircraft crashed on a helicopter landing pad near the Pentagon, and the White House, the Defense Department and the Capitol were evacuated. It was not immediately known how many people were killed. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat called the attack a “terrible incident,“ sending his condolences to the people of the United States. Authorities had been trying to evacuate those who work in the twin towers, but many wer
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