Raag Bihag | Drut | Atish Mukhopadhyay | Ashoke Mukherjee | Sarod Instrumental Music | Russia

#indianclassicalmusic #musicofindia #sarodlivemusic Watch Atish Mukhopadhyay and Ashoke Mukherjee live in Saint Petersburg, Russia in association with the Roerich Family Museum Institute - Saint Petersburg and the Consul General of India- Saint Petersburg. The performance has been dedicated to the legendary Indian musician Swara Samrat Ustad Ali Akbar Khan sahab on his birth centenary. Raag Bihag Drut (faster) Gat in Teen Taal (16-beat rhythm cycle) Atish Mukhopadhyay- Sarode Ashoke Mukherjee- Tabla Venue- The Theatre Museum, Saint Petersburg (Russia) Date - 23rd of October 2022 Are you searching for something deeper for your soul? Perhaps you will enjoy my music. I am Atish Mukhopadhyay - a Sarode player from India, an educator and a composer. I welcome you all to my professional channel. Kindly leave your valued comments and please subscribe to my channel and share it with your friends and family. Social Media Please follow me on: https://w
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