If you take a Statin, Do these 7 things Right Now! (Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor)

Millions of people take a statin (zocor, lipitor, crestor, livalo, lescol, altocor) thinking it will lower their risk of having a heart attack. What they don’t know is that the statin is doing these 7 things to their body; even many doctors don’t know all 7. Here is the 7 things a statin does to your body, and steps you can take to minimize the risk. This is not a complete list, statins do many other worrisome things inside your body, the more you research the more you will know... Vitamin D rich foods list: Vitamin K2 rich foods list: CoEnzyme Q10 Supplement: Vitamin D3/K2 Supplement: Join Our Community for more info: KICKING ASS AFTER 50 Book: Research VitaminD: Vitamin K2 synthesis: CoEnzyme
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