You voted for All Endings: Finland so here it is, one day later than I had originally announced, which I want to apologise for.
Music used:
0:00 Good ending (Maamme; Anthem of Finland)
0:12 Ultimate good ending (Same as above)
0:24 Bad ending (Anthem of the Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic)
0:36 Ultimate bad ending (Anthem of Finland slowed down)
0:48 Medieval ending (Ievan Polkka (Medieval Cover))
1:00 Finno-Ugric ending (Same as above)
1:12 Communist ending (Taistojen tiellä)
1:24 Axis ending (Säkkijärven polkka; German version)
1:36 Romanov ending (Боже, Царя храни!; Anthem of the Russian Empire)
1:48 Sámi ending (Sámi Soga Lávlla; Anthem of the Sami People)
2:00 Egyptian ending (Momia | Ancient Arabian Music by RKFM)
2:12 Secluded ending (Beach Party by Kevin MacLeod)
2:24 Hyperwar ending (Richard Wagner - Ride Of The Valkyries)
2:36 Several other endings (Same as abov