Thousands of people are stuck in the transit zone of Dubai airport - all of them are crowding at the check-in counters to buy ne

Thousands of people are stuck in the transit zone of Dubai airport - all of them are crowding at the check-in counters to buy new tickets, and there is total chaos there, as they are served by only one employee Dubai Airport is in collapse - thousands of people are stuck there and can’t leave the air harbor because it was flooded a few days ago and normal traffic has not been restored. At the check-in desks there is a huge crowd - everyone is trying to buy new tickets or check in for other flights, but there is only one employee serving people. A relative of one of the unlucky passengers told Readovka that they had been in the transit zone, where all the chaos was going on, since two o’clock in the morning, and they would be able to fly out only tonight. Those who are on the ground complain that there are no airport staff and they do not provide assistance. In addition, few people are getting the food and water that the airlines are sometimes handing out. Flights continue to be post... Source: Readovka World
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