Sharm ~ The Winter Queen (A World Of Warcraft song for the ruler of Ardenweald)

It’s time to hibernate. Music arranged and performed by Sharm. Video footage from World Of Warcraft ~ Afterlives: Ardenweald. FOR THE MONETIZATION TEAM I am a passionate singer, songwriter and content creator here on YT. Each of my videos provide significant creative value in the form of my singing, composing or entertainment via vlogging. Many hours go into my videos and none of my content is reused. I will always put 100% into creatively adapting any footage, cover or parody to allow my creative value to show. This video is Patreon Powered 🎇 Please consider supporting me on Patreon &...; become a Sharmony! Rewards every month! ♥ Download my music from: I am also on Spotify! All my other social medias: And my VLOG channel where I post reaction videos: I use Distrokid to distribute my music and you can too! Use my code to get a 7% discount when you sign up (and it also helps me out too!) Products I use (USA)! Microphone Shure SM7B Audient iD14 Products I use (UK)! Microphone Shure SM7B Audient iD14 #worldofwarcraft #ardenweald #thewinterqueen #nightfae #courtofnight #dragonflight #shadowlands #afterlives #sharmsong
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