America Vs China Faceoff Over Taiwan | Jinping Fires Missiles | China Taiwan Latest News

In retaliation to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, China conducted “precision missile strikes” in the Taiwan Strait on Thursday. The military exercises by China have raised tensions in the region to their highest level in decades. China said it is suspending dialogue with the United States on issues from climate change to military relations and anti-drug efforts in retaliation for a visit this week to Taiwan by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to AP. This response is the latest in a series of targeted steps intended to punish Washington for allowing the visit to the island it claims as its own territory This come as China continues to hold threatening military exercises in six zones off Taiwan’s coasts. China’s military exercises aimed at Taiwan, including missiles fired into Japan’s exclusive economic zone, represent a “significant escalation,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday. China’s military drills were launched following a visit earlier this week b
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