Silver Lining | @PhillipChbeeb | @Lo_Fang

*this is not sped up or in reverse* I was in a dark place when this piece came to me. I was alone in a foreign country... Paralyzed by sadness. I had to force myself out of my hotel room and into a studio to tear away the negativity that was coating my thoughts. I called Shawn Welling when i arrived home, still drenched in the echo of sorrow, and managed to give this honest telling of that time in my life.I tried to re-shoot this later, so i could better execute the movement, But I couldn’t re-obtain the mental state i was in when i performed the video you see here. I hope you all can enjoy/relate to this imperfect telling of an imperfect story from an imperfect man. I hope you all find your silver lining in the darkest parts of the night sky.
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