Create a blog with a headless CMS // Full 3-hour course // Astro + Wix Studio

Check out Wix Studio 👉 🔗 Links ✅ The Frontend Mentor challenge: ✅ Getting started with npm: ✅ Astro: ✅ Wix Studio: ✅ Wix Studio headless docs: ✅ More on using @font-face: ✅ More on font-display: @font-face/font-display ✅ More on visually-hidden: ✅ More robust version of the .base-layout: ✅ Container queries: ✅ Counters: ... #KevinPowell #Kevin_Powell #css #front-end #frontend #html #web_development #css_tutorial #tutorial #frontend_mentor 20240911 Thudicbgqtg
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