【Real life Hearthstone】 BOOMSDAY CARD REVEAL: Luna’s Pocket Galaxy

Hey guys, I’m AmazingLP, director of this video. This is my first time to make a video for Hearthstone card reveal. LUNA’S POCKET GALAXY is a powerful card that can change the cost of all minions in your deck to 1. What will happen when Luna’s pocket galaxy combined with his owner stargazer Luna? Come in and find out the fantastic effect in the video! Thanks very very VEEEEERY much to Netease and Blizzard for providing me this opportunity to reveal the new card. Don’t forget, The Boomsday Project will be released on August 7th, 2018! Just 1 week left. I cannot wait to open my new packs! If you like this video, please subscribe my channel. Hope you guys like this video. See you in the lab!
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