№3 АНТИЛОПЫ. ♬ /Camille SAINT-SAENS ♯ Carnival of the Animals ( III ): WILD ASSES (SWIFT ANIMALS/Hémiones ♯ [HQ]

THE BEST OF CLASSICAL► SUBSCRIBE ► TWITTER► CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS (9 October 1835 – 16 December 1921), FRANCE, ROMANTICISM (SAINT-SAENS PAGE► ) “The Carnival of the Animals“ (“Le carnaval des animaux“) is a musical suite of fourteen movements by the French Romantic composer Camille Saint-Saëns. The work was written for private performance by an ad hoc ensemble of two pianos and other instruments, and lasts around 25 minutes. III Hémiones (animaux véloces) (Wild Asses: Swift Animals): Two pianos - the asses depicted here are quite obviously running, an image induced by the constant, feverishly fast up-and-down motion of both pianos playing scales in octaves. These are dziggetai, asses that come from Tibet and are known for their great speed. Source:
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