History Of DJ - Part 9 - The Pirate’s Last Stand

Subscribe to keep up to date with the latest videos from DMC: The British labour Government thought it was all over when introducing the Marine Offences Act in August 1967. Radio London, Radio Scotland, Radio 270 all closed down but Ronan O’Rahilly, the Irish owner of Radio Caroline continued to broadcast. After the new law was introduced off-shore broadcasters from Switzerland launched Radio North Sea International which, for a while, after Radio Caroline had gone aground, took on the name Radio Caroline pumping out anti-Labour propaganda which saw the Conservatives take power. North Sea was attacked by real pirates with real bombs as you will see in film taken during the incident when DJ’s scrambled into lifeboats. Dutch gangsters also tried to take over the ship as DJs bolted down the hatches to stop them entering the studio. Here is actual film of the events from the mouths of the DJs who were there and are still alive today to tell the story wi
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