Noam Chomsky: Devastating Critique of Wage Slavery

March 24, 2021 00:00 Antonio Gramsci - “hegemonic common sense“ 00:52 Hume’s paradox and Walter Lippman - “manufacture of consent“ 03:07 Unquestionable common sense today - having a job 03:54 Subordination to discipline far more extreme than in a totalitarian state 06:40 Renting oneself for survival - having a job - is hegemonic common sense today but it wasn’t in the past 13:04 John Stuart Mill in favor of democracy in a workplace 15:14 Wilhelm von Humboldt on human nature and free labor 18:33 Adam Smith’s critique of division of labor 19:27 Only work freely undertaken is an acceptable social condition 19:44 Control of all institutions within a framework of free association 21:10 “New spirit of the age - gain wealth forgetting all but self“ 24:09 “The Freedom of the Press“ - George Orwell’s unpublished introduction to Animal Farm 25:56 “Manufacture of consent“ - liberal progressive democratic theory
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