Was This The Original Beast Mode in Motocross

This is a Motocross highlights video on the Rider who had the original Beast Mode! We all know Eli Tomac for his incredible come from behind rides which earned him the nickname “Beast Mode.“ Tomac seems to find more speed in parts of any track that no other rider can. Time after time we have seen Eli Tomac go full Beast Mode in both Supercross and Pro Motocross, which has wowed fans and cemented himself as an all-time great. In This video we take a look at a rider in the 2 stroke era who closely resembles Eli Tomac’s Beast Mode. This rider would find those areas on the track, like Eli, to make up time and make some incredible passes that wowed the fans of his era. If you look closely even there riding styles are very similar. Who is this rider? Watch this video to find out! Was This The Original Beast Mode In Motocross? #elitomac #motocross #supercross Some footage used from: @MotoVision * Make sure to Subscribe, Like, Comment, and Share! - Our Instagram - - Our Facebook - * Our Merch -
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